Monday, October 13, 2008

Hi Everyone! It's been awhile since I wrote. We have been reallly busy. Leslie and Lily both had birthdays the end of September and that was fun. Lily is two already!! Hard to believe, time goes so fast. Jeff and Anissa just celebrated their birthdays last week. Everyone is staying busy. Daniel and Leslie are doing well. Both working and trying to save up for a house. Lily is good. She has a case of the "Terrible Two's" somedays but for the most part is a pretty good girl. She is talking up a storm and never shuts up! (wonder where she got that from?!) Andrew is doing great. He is still going to USU and doing well in his classes. He is working about 30-35 hours a week after work so staying busy. We don't see him a whole lot he is in and out alot!

Anissa is good. We just had parent teacher conference and she is getting all A's and one B. She is liking school and making lot's of new friends at her new school. Dance is going well for her. She is going to solo again this year and has already started working on her solo so that will be fun. It's a lot of work but she loves it. Hopefully some of you will be able to watch her perform later in the year.

Jeff is doing okay. He has been down for a couple of weeks hurt his back at work and they're pretty sure that he slipped a disc in his back. He was off work for a whole week and is back this week just working in the office. He has been doing physical therapy three days a week and is doing much better. The numbness in his leg and foot are gone and the pain has been managable so hopefully he is on the mend. Other than that not much new with him.

I'm doing okay. Staying busy with work, school, and kids. Work at the hospital is going good. We have actually slowed down a bit the past month or so , so that has been nice. Class is going good. Lot's of papers to write and lot's of homework but not to bad so far. Hopefully this time next year I will be in Nursing school!!! Had some real problems with my shoulders, went in to the ortho doc a month or so ago and found out that I have huge calcium deposits in the joints of both shoulders. They aren't sure what causes them or how to prevent them but they are sure painful. Can't even lift my arms above my head to put my shirt on! They tried cortisone injections (ouch!) and they are sending me to physical therapy twice a week for ultra sound treatments where they force cortisone into the joint with electricity and ultrasound to try and break it up but still really painful. They will re-xray both shoulders later this week and if it's not clearing up they will have to go in and "roto-rooter" the joints and clean and scrape it all out of there. They wanted to try these other ways first so we will see what the x-rays show. It hasn't been as bad but still not better. Hopefully, it will take care of itself can't afford to be off for double shoulder surgery!

Well, not much else to report. Hope that all is going well with you and your families. We love and miss you all. I will try to do better keeping up to date! I've enclosed some pics from birthdays and from my nephew Tyler's wedding. Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Hi all! Well, school is back in session! Anissa is enjoying her new school and making new friends. She is lucky this year the bus stops right across the street in the mornings and drops her off at the front door in the afternoon so she doesn't have to go far to get on it! Will be nice in the winter to be able to wait indoors until the bus comes. She is also back to dance and enjoying that too. Had ballet workshops all last week and this week they have a guest choreographer that is teaching them some new "hip-hop" stuff. She really enjoys it and is having fun. Drew started at USU this week. He has done okay so far other than trying to figure out where to park! That is a dilemma we all share as students who drive. He is still working so he is staying busy! School is going okay for me. I have on class on campus M,W, & Fri and then have one on Wednesday nights at Bridgerland so between that and working two jobs I'm staying plenty busy!!! Jeff is just working and picking up after me since I'm on the run so much!

Daniel and Leslie are doing fine. Both are still working. Lily is cute as ever and getting bigger everyday! She is quite the little ham. Not much else new to report just wanted to say hello. Hope that all is well with everyone and their families haven't heard much from anyone so assuming things are okay.

Have a great day and I will write again soon!!!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Hello everyone. Just an update on our family. Things are going well for us. Anissa started school this week and is liking it so far. She hasn't gotten lost yet and has remembered her locker combo so things are good! She started dance again this week has workshops this week and next week and then regular dance so she is staying busy. She was pretty sore after the first day though! Out of shape over the summer but won't take long to get back into the groove.

Andrew is doing good. He starts at USU on Monday morning bright and early. He is excited but I think a bit nervous too. Work is going well for him also.

Daniel and Leslie are doing fine. They are going to stay with us for couple of months so it will be interesting! They are trying to buy a house and need to save up a bit of money for a down payment so they are going to stay with us for a few months so that they can get a house of their own. Will be tight quarters for everyone but only temporary and it will help them out so I think it will be fine. Lily is great! She is talking so much it's crazy. She is like a little tape recorder and repeats everything she hears. She is still attached at my hip most of the time but I don't mind she is a sweet heart and I love her to death!

Jeff is doing good. Staying really busy at work. They let one of the techs go so he's been a bit more busy the last week or so. I'm good too. Start class on Monday at USU also so back to the hectic life for another few months! I'm excited but a bit stressed. Almost done so that I can apply to nursing school so just keep pushing myself so that I can get it done! Work has been extremely busy for me also but it has been good I really love my job.

Well, that's all for now. Hope that all is well with everyone else. We miss you all and love you. I will write again later.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Family Slideshow

Hey everyone! I added a slideshow of the family with some pics of everyone just scroll down to the bottom of the page to watch!!! Enjoy!


Good morning everyone. Just a note on what's new in our world. The boys had their Lagoon day from work yesterday and were able to get tickets for everyone so we all spent the day at Lagoon yesterday. It was lot's of fun and we all had a good time. It was really hot though!!!! Lily wasn't sure what to think but she rode quite a few rides and had a good time. We rode all the new rides and roller coasters and had a blast. We all got pretty wet on RattleSnake Rapids but it felt good cause is was so hot!
Not much else is new. Kids are all doing great! Jeff and I are fine. Had a little mishap on Friday went up the canyon (Smithfield) looking for some rock for the flower beds and took a tumble! What can I say, I'm graceful!!! I landed on my leg pretty hard. I cut it (not bad enough for stitches) down the front pretty good. It has also swelled up pretty bad around it and can't stand to have anything even touch the skin it is so sore. Went in a couple of days ago and had one of the docs look at it, he said probaby a nasty hemotoma and should start to go down if not need to go in and get it xrayed. Been really painful yesterday and today and swollen clear down into my ankle so will have to keep an eye on it.
Well, hope that all is well with everyone. Have a great day and I will write more later!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Hi Everyone! Just thought I'd write a quick update on everyone. I've also included a slide show of the family from the summer it is at the bottom of the blog! Everyone is doing great here. Kids are getting ready to head back to school in a couple of weeks. Anissa has been babysitting all week so she is staying busy have to go and register her this week at North Cache! She is pretty excited and a bit nervous about going to a new school but I'm sure she will be fine. She has made some new friends here and I think she will be fine. Andrew is all registered at USU and will start (along with his old Mother) on the 25th of August. I think that he is pretty excited. He will stay pretty busy as he is taking 12 credits and still going to keep working! He will have class every morning and then will work after school. I think he will do great! He just bought himself his first vehicle. He got a 1997 Isuzu Rodeo. He is pretty excited since he was able to get it all on his own!!!!

Daniel and Leslie are doing good. Both working hard. They are still keeping their eyes open for a house they would like to get out of their apartment and into a house. They both stay pretty busy with work and Lily! Lily is great! She is getting bigger and bigger everyday and she is talking like crazy!!! She just started this last week talking in sentences now and she never stops!!!! She is a good baby and we all love her to pieces.

Jeff and I are doing good. Working hard and trying to keep up with the kids. School will be starting soon and my life will get hectic again but I will be that much closer to my goal!! Jeff is great and very supportive and helps out tons around the house and with the kids so that I can do what I do.

Other than that not much new here for us. We are loving the new house and still trying to adjust to everything. The neighbors have all been great and things are going good. Finally got rid of the weeds and have a yard now! It is coming together nicely.

Well, better run have a busy day. We love you all and appreciate all that you do for us. Have a great day and I will write again soon!!!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Not much to report today. Everyone doing fine. Drew and Daniel are staying very busy with work they are working 12-14 hours a day! Drew is going to go down to Alpine tomorrow for the holiday weekend with some friends to go 4-wheeling and fishing so that will be a nice break for him. Leslie is working and staying busy with Lily. Anissa has been doing some babysitting and hanging out with some new friends.

We have enjoyed having Chaz here for the summer but he will be going home on Sunday. We will miss him!!! Especially Lily she adores Chaz. He is a bit homesick so it will be good for him to see everyone and get ready for school.

I'm staying busy with work been a crazy summer and really busy most every night that I work. Been doing lots of yard work and trying to keep up on the weeds in the garden! Jeff is good, working lot's too he gets tomorrow off also for the holiday so will be nice for him to have a bit of a break also.
Well, better run! Hope that everyone is good. We love you and miss you. I will write again soon!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

It's Sunday afternoon and it's been a busy weekend. Everyone here is doing fine. The kids and I attended a Womack Family Reunion on Saturday it was nice to visit with everyone.
Then we had a party for the boys football team at the Pool. It was an end of year party and it was fun. Both boys did very well for their first year, Andrew was named MVP Defensive Lineman of the year and also was recognized for making the allstar team. Daniel received an honorable mention from the League. They both got a nice certificate and recognition. They had a bbq for everyone and then we went to the pool for a few hours. It was fun.

Kids (Anissa, Chaz & Kylie) have been busy scrapping paint off the playhouse the past few weeks and we started repainting it. It is looking nice and will be great once it's all done. They are busy painting the inside right now! We will see how much paint ends up on the walls and how much ends up on them! Oh, well, it's keeping them out of trouble.

Well, not much else new to report. Everyone doing okay just staying busy. Have a great day and I will write more later!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Hi everyone! It is getting harder and harder to keep in touch with everyone especially with so many of you living far away so I decided to start up a family blog to try and keep everyone in the loop on our family!

We are all doing great! Daniel and Leslie are doing good. Both are working right now. Daniel is really doing well at his job and just received employee of the month so that was a neat honor for him. Lily is getting huge! She is talking up a storm and has an attitude that won't quit!! She loves going to the pool and her favorite thing to do is to ride the slide.

Andrew is good, he is graduated and done with high school! He is working full time for the summer with Daniel and is really doing well there. He will be starting up at Utah State the end of August and is a bit nervous and excited about that. He just finished his first season with the Logan Stampede a semi-pro football team here in the valley (Daniel plays also) and he did great! He was chosen to the all-star team and they had their game last weekend and he played awesome!! There was a whole article in the newspaper about him.

Anissa is good. She finished a successful dance year this year. She danced solo in her competitions this year and placed 2nd in two of the competitions and 3rd in the other. Her group did really well also. She is a hard worker and is getting better and better! She is staying busy this summer babysitting and loves it! She is a bit nervous about starting a new school but also excited.

Jeff and I are doing good. Been a crazy summer and lots has happened but finally getting back on track. As most of you know we moved. We had an opportunity to buy a house and move back to Smithfield. We love Smithfield and have missed it so when the opportunity presented itself we felt it was the right thing to do. We have loved our new home and neighbors it has been a great move for us! Jeff is still working hard as a mechanic. I'm still working in the Emergency Room at the hopsital and also do some home care on the side. I will also be a student at Utah State in the fall where I will be finishing up my pre-requisites for the nursing program.
Well, that's a brief update for now!! Hope that everyone is doing fine. I will post more later when I have more time and can figure out more what I'm doing!!! We love you all.

About Me

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I am happily married and just celebrated my 23 wedding anniversary. I have a wonderful husband and 3 wonderful kids. I also have a beautiful granddaughter. I love my family and love spending time with them doing whatever! We especially like to camp and be outdoors and love to snowmobile in the winter.