Monday, October 13, 2008

Hi Everyone! It's been awhile since I wrote. We have been reallly busy. Leslie and Lily both had birthdays the end of September and that was fun. Lily is two already!! Hard to believe, time goes so fast. Jeff and Anissa just celebrated their birthdays last week. Everyone is staying busy. Daniel and Leslie are doing well. Both working and trying to save up for a house. Lily is good. She has a case of the "Terrible Two's" somedays but for the most part is a pretty good girl. She is talking up a storm and never shuts up! (wonder where she got that from?!) Andrew is doing great. He is still going to USU and doing well in his classes. He is working about 30-35 hours a week after work so staying busy. We don't see him a whole lot he is in and out alot!

Anissa is good. We just had parent teacher conference and she is getting all A's and one B. She is liking school and making lot's of new friends at her new school. Dance is going well for her. She is going to solo again this year and has already started working on her solo so that will be fun. It's a lot of work but she loves it. Hopefully some of you will be able to watch her perform later in the year.

Jeff is doing okay. He has been down for a couple of weeks hurt his back at work and they're pretty sure that he slipped a disc in his back. He was off work for a whole week and is back this week just working in the office. He has been doing physical therapy three days a week and is doing much better. The numbness in his leg and foot are gone and the pain has been managable so hopefully he is on the mend. Other than that not much new with him.

I'm doing okay. Staying busy with work, school, and kids. Work at the hospital is going good. We have actually slowed down a bit the past month or so , so that has been nice. Class is going good. Lot's of papers to write and lot's of homework but not to bad so far. Hopefully this time next year I will be in Nursing school!!! Had some real problems with my shoulders, went in to the ortho doc a month or so ago and found out that I have huge calcium deposits in the joints of both shoulders. They aren't sure what causes them or how to prevent them but they are sure painful. Can't even lift my arms above my head to put my shirt on! They tried cortisone injections (ouch!) and they are sending me to physical therapy twice a week for ultra sound treatments where they force cortisone into the joint with electricity and ultrasound to try and break it up but still really painful. They will re-xray both shoulders later this week and if it's not clearing up they will have to go in and "roto-rooter" the joints and clean and scrape it all out of there. They wanted to try these other ways first so we will see what the x-rays show. It hasn't been as bad but still not better. Hopefully, it will take care of itself can't afford to be off for double shoulder surgery!

Well, not much else to report. Hope that all is going well with you and your families. We love and miss you all. I will try to do better keeping up to date! I've enclosed some pics from birthdays and from my nephew Tyler's wedding. Enjoy!

About Me

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I am happily married and just celebrated my 23 wedding anniversary. I have a wonderful husband and 3 wonderful kids. I also have a beautiful granddaughter. I love my family and love spending time with them doing whatever! We especially like to camp and be outdoors and love to snowmobile in the winter.